Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Psalm 37:18-40 
After reading about the oppression of the wicked, I found verses 39 and 40 most comforting. Sure, the wicked "shall be altogether destroyed" (vs. 38) and "the righteous shall inherit the land, and live in it forever." (vs 29) But in the meantime we've got to put up with evil and oppression and wickedness. That's why it's good to know that God is our "refuge in the time of trouble." (vs. 39)
Psalm 37:18-40
posted by Susanna King 6:31 PM

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I John 4:7-21 
God commands us to love our fellow Christians, and sometimes that is hard. It's easy to love the people at my church — I know them, and even when they do something upsetting it's easy to love and pray for them. But the Christians I don't know personally, the ones spewing hate and self-righteousness and greed in the news, they are harder to love. I especially need to pray for them, and also for myself. I need to pray that I will respond to them with love, humility, and compassion.
I John 4:7-21
posted by Susanna King 7:41 PM

Monday, April 11, 2005

Luke 4:14-30 
A true prophet is one who challenges the status quo, who pulls the rug out from under our complacency. But how can I tell a true prophet from a fake one? These days, all the self-proclaimed "prophets" seem to be preaching either hate, greed, or apathy. At least I can still read Jesus' words and hear what He said. Modern-day prophets wither in comparison.
Luke 4:14-30
posted by Susanna King 7:00 PM

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Luke 4:1-13 
I had remembered this story with the devil's offer of the world in exchange for worship as the last of his escalating temptations. But I was wrong: the devil's last temptation was to use Jesus' defense mechanism, scripture, against Him. To use God's words at cross purposes with His will is an easy temptation for Christians to succumb to. Maybe that's why Jesus put such an emphasis on prayer — it's harder to work against God when you're in constant communication with Him.
Luke 4:1-13
posted by Susanna King 7:00 PM

Friday, April 08, 2005

Luke 3:15-22 
Many times growing up I wondered, "What is this 'good news' they keep talking about in church?" In this passage, that phrase is in context. The good news is that the Messiah is coming (or, in the case of us reading about it hundreds of years later, that He has already come.)
Luke 3:15-22
posted by Susanna King 7:00 PM

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Daniel 2:17-30 
Daniel acquires the knowledge the king is after not because he's wiser or more deserving than any of the other wise men, but because he knows enough to ask God humbly and allow God to use him as a vessel for that knowledge. Understanding comes to those who seek it.
Daniel 2:17-30
posted by Susanna King 7:24 PM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Daniel 2:1-16 
I find it interesting how the king was able to thwart all the sycophants who just wanted to tell him what they thought he wanted to hear. Ultimately, this allowed God to be glorified, as only through God was Daniel able to answer the king's question. A good lesson for today: I need to spend time in prayer and listen to God when answering difficult questions rather than talking out my ear and telling people what's easiest to say.
Daniel 2:1-16
posted by Susanna King 7:53 PM

Monday, April 04, 2005

Luke 1:26-38 
I'm not sure what to say about this passage other than that I am always impressed by Mary's faith and obedience whenever I read this story.
Luke 1:26-38
posted by Susanna King 6:47 PM

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Acts 4:13-20 
The apostles' response to the church leaders makes a fitting prayer, especially today. Is the last part of healing witnessing about the healing? Because in that case, you're not completely healed until you've told someone what God did for you.
"Lord, I pray that I might not keep from speaking what I have seen and heard."
Acts 4:13-20
posted by Susanna King 10:00 AM

Friday, April 01, 2005

John 21:1-14 
This passage has me wondering where God is telling me to cast my net. There are so many different directions I can go in, but which will end the dry spell and bring results? Pray and listen.
John 21:1-14
posted by Susanna King 7:00 PM